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Project News



In August and November 2022, Nova Solar G.P. (“Nova Solar”) filed its AUC Power Plant and Transmission Line Applications, respectively, to build and operate the Nova Solar Power Plant (the “Project” or “Nova”). In March 2023, Nova Solar participated in an Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) hearing, under a joint proceeding numbered 27589. On July 19, 2023, the AUC awarded Nova Solar with a permit to build the power plant, but denied the permit for the transmission line, citing questions around route selection. Nova Solar GP is planning to reapply for the transmission line approval in July 2024, after having addressed the Commission's concerns and reconsulting with the community. More information regarding the AUC hearing process can be found by creating an account with the eFiling System within the AUC website, at https://www.auc.ab.ca/.

The AUC ruling will result in a delay to the overall project schedule, with the project now planned to enter construction in May 2025, reaching commercial operation by December 2026.

As part of the consultation process for the transmission line application, Nova mailed several newsletters to regulatory agencies, interested parties and stakeholders within 800m of the proposed Interconnection Project boundary. Through discussions with landowners and industry stakeholders, we have identified Route B2 as the preferred route for the transmission line, route B as a variant of the preferred, and route C1 as an alternate route. Consultation with landowners and stakeholders remains ongoing. Please see the July 2024 Newsletter for a detailed map showing the preferred and alternate alignments on our Project Documents page.


As part of the government review process, solar projects are subject to various environmental study and reporting requirements. In order to meet these requirements and to design the Project layout, we are conducting a number of studies, including desktop and field studies focused on:

  • Wildlife field surveys - completed
  • Wetlands classification and mapping - completed
  • Vegetation Field Surveys and Mapping - completed
  • Geo-technical Studies - completed
  • Noise Impact Assessment - completed
  • Glare Impact Assessment -  completed
  • Sub-surface surveys for oil/gas facilities & other underground infrastructure - Completed